Katerina Sideri

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Summary Profile

Dr Katerina Sideri is assistant professor of political science at the Department of Political Science and History, Panteion University in Athens, Greece and a founding member of TECHNIS, an interdisciplinary innovation and intellectual property platform that organizes online research seminars open to the public since 2014. Previously she was a Marie Curie Individual Fellow based at the Bioethics Institute Gent, in Belgium, associate research fellow at the University of Oxford, Centre for SocioLegal Studies and lecturer in IP law at the University of Exeter. She has acted as an advisor for the Tech transfer office of the Agricultural University of Athens and the Tech transfer office of the University of Crete.

Dr Sideri’s research interests include the link between innovation and democracy, technoscience studies, solidarity and vaccine hesitancy, Intellectual property law, governance and strategy, with a focus on algorithms, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. She has published in journals such as Science and Public Policy. Journal of Law and the Biosciences Journal of Technology Transfer. European Law Journal. Her more recent monograph is Patents as Discourse on Life: Bioproperty, Biomedicine and Deliberative Governance. (Routledge; 2014). She is now working on a new monograph with the title 'Innovation for Whose Good?'