QoG Expert Survey Data

The Quality of Government Institute at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, seeks to enhance research on quality of government -- how it is created and how it influences public policy. As part of this endeavor, during the 2014-2015 years the Institute was conducting a web survey of a global panel of experts on the quality of government in various countries. 
We are grateful to all local experts for your contribution and time which you spent for the survey.  All replies have been treated with strictest confidentiality, and your personal information will in no way be publicly revealed. 
The results of the survey are released and you can find it by going to the webpage at: http://qog.pol.gu.se/data/datadownloads/qogexpertsurveydata 
The data is presented in Individual-Level and in aggregated Country-Level. You can download it in two different formats (.dta for Stata and .sav for SPSS), as well as in common data exchange format .csv. The codebook  provides detailed descriptions of questions. The report  provides information on the questionnaire design and data collection, summary of the data, including some basic facts about the respondents, evaluations of potential respondent perception bias, and the results of the data validation through the data from the QoG expert Survey I and external data. 
Feel free to share results of the survey with your colleagues and people, who can be interested in it. 
We would like to thank all local experts for their input to the survey. The survey provided vital data set with information on the structure and behaviour of public administration in a range of different countries. It opens new perspectives for researchers to study urgent issues in political science. 
For more information about the Quality of Government Institute at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, see our web page: www.qog.pol.gu.se 

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